About Us

Welcome to our blog. It is kept up by third graders in an effort to share our learning.

Friday, September 27, 2013

A Little Friday Fun

We have a dance party every Friday afternoon for the last ten minutes of school. When it came to my attention that there was a need for dancing, I couldn't think of a reason to say no.  It puts a little pep in everyone's step.  Even Mrs. K. was dancing today....

 however, he worked through it!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Workplaces at Work

 Students are practicing fluency with their addition facts as well as growing patterns with figures and numbers.  Each workplace requires children to apply what they have learned in our math lessons and explain their mathematical thinking!
Addition Fact Challenge

Students are using a calculator to explore number patterns

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kid Blog

Mrs. Haggerty's class is taking a test run using kid blog.  You can find kid blogs here.  Students have had the opportunity to personalize their blogs, as well as create posts.  We are experimenting at this point and once we have tested the waters, Mrs. Scruggs class will be up and running as well.  

Picture Day

Friday is picture day!

Addition Fluency

Students are working on addition fluency while completing a Fast Facts math activity. The addition facts shown have been color coded based on the strategy that can be used to solve each one.
Explaining mathematical thinking is crucial in applying mathematical concepts!

One addition strategy is recognizing Double Facts (7+7=14)
The strategies that students have learned so far include:
Zero Facts
Counting On
Doubles Facts
Neighbor Facts
Sum of Ten Facts
Fast Tens
Fast Nines

Students have also categorized the "left over facts" in a way that makes sense to each individual. Some ideas were:
Left Over Facts
Fast Eight Facts
Counting On +3
What did your student decide to do with the left overs?

Ask your student about the Counting On strategy!

Here we have two proactive students checking their work as well as proving their thinking.

Students have also learned the Fast Tens and Fast Nines strategies.
Students are using the Sum of Ten Facts

A Home Connection will be on its way soon.  This activity encourages students to create their own Solving Addition Facts Book at home.  Creation of a book as well as application of a concept demonstrates each child's level of understanding at this point in time.  The Solving Addition Facts Book will be an at home resource students can utilize when completing homework.  

We're Up and Running!

Slowly but surely we are beginning our third grade blogging project. On this site you will find a window into your student's classroom! This blog will be the hub of our rooms and a place where you will be able to find important information regarding our day to day learning as well as upcoming events.

Eventually the posts will be turned over to the kids and they will be in charge of updating the blog during Computer Lab. We are very excited to begin this venture!

Here students are engaged in conferencing during our Writer's Workshop. Students are working towards building their writing stamina while developing personal narrative writing pieces.