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Welcome to our blog. It is kept up by third graders in an effort to share our learning.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Snow Day!

We're having a snow day!  Next week we will be making snowflakes, snowy trees, and learning facts about snow.  So on Friday (12-20), we will have an in school snow day to kick off the winter vacation.  Kids should wear their pajamas to school and bring a blanket, pillow, and ONE stuffed animal.  We will read, drink hot chocolate, and perhaps watch a snowy video.  If you would like to donate a goody, we are limiting them to cookies only.  Nothing goes better with hot chocolate and snow like cookies!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Caution!! Math Ahead!

This Thursday, we will take a timed computation test.  Most students are just  one or two problems away from the goal of 36 problems in two minutes!  Please make sure they study!

We have a Unit 2 post test coming up on Wednesday, 12-18 (pending no more interruptions in our schedule due to the weather).  The unit test will cover solving two digit addition and  two digit subtraction problems more than one way.  They include:
Base Ten Pieces 
Rounding and Adjusting
Algorithm/"The Old Fashioned Way"
Front Loading
Number Line

The test will also cover using estimation and rounding of numbers to determine if answers are reasonable.  

There will be a review on Monday, so please look in your child's backpack so you can help them study!

Here are some examples:
Base Ten

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Junior Great Books

As the holidays approach we are about to complete stage 1 of the Junior Great Books program.  In this program students read rich selections of text and after three or four learning activities, participate in a shared inquiry discussion in which teachers can only ask questions and students are the leaders.  The discussions are fun, lively, and at times heated (we are learning to agree to disagree)!  
Ask your students about our discussions!