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Welcome to our blog. It is kept up by third graders in an effort to share our learning.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Mansfield Public Library Field Trip

Please don't forget that we are going to the Mansfield Public Library on Thursday, February 20, 2014!  We must have permission slips by Wednesday!

Valentine's Day Party/Geometry Test

The snow may have postponed Valentine's Day, but it has not canceled it!  We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Wednesday when we return to school.  We hope you have had happy and safe loooooong weekend!

Our Geometry test has also been postponed. We will complete a review by Thursday and hope to assess on Friday.  If, for some reason that does not work out, we will assess the following week.  We will keep you posted!

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Hi Families!  On Friday we will administer a Geometry review for our upcoming Unit Assessment.  Students will complete the review in class, we will go over it together and it will come home in the Friday Folder.  Please look out for the review so that you can practice, discuss, and review concepts that will appear on the Assessment that will be administered on Wednesday or Thursday of next week!

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Mansfield Public Library

The third grade will be visiting the Mansfield Public Library on Thursday, February 20, 2014!  

Valentine's Day

Hello families!  On Friday, February 14, 2014 we will be celebrating Valentine's Day!  We are going to have a red food theme, so if you would like to send in goodies, make sure they are red.  There are 39 students in third grade.
  A class list will come home in the Friday Folders this week, so keep an eye out.

 Remember, students do not have to make valentine cards; however, if they do, they must make one for every child in the classroom.