About Us

Welcome to our blog. It is kept up by third graders in an effort to share our learning.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Our Week!

Shout outs about our week in Third Grade!

Our Very Strange Teeth Story and our faces!

We love Fantastic Mr. Fox.

We loved  learning the Blast off to Space Game (me too)!

I loved doing the silly sentences with verbs and nouns!

Ask your students about these fun events!  Have a great weekend!

Scholastic Book Order

The Scholastic Book Order for Mrs. Haggerty's class is due by September 30, 2014.  The order will be placed that afternoon!

Picutre Day

Picture Day at Goodwin is rescheduled for October, 15!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Third Grade Homework

Third Grade Homework

Dear Families,

Your student will come home with a homework log and a Home Connections Assignment for the week of September 8, 2014.  On the homework log are directions outlining what is expected.  Just to reinforce expectations students should:
  1. 1.    Read for at least 10 minutes every night and record the title of the book and pages read
  2. 2.   Choose one of the listed “other assignments” to complete for 10 minutes (including the Home Connections)
  3. 3.   Have a parent initial that the work has been done

Homework logs should be brought into school daily to be checked off.  It is important to start positive homework routines, and a daily check in helps to reinforce this in the classroom.
For this week, students should read and practice math facts only.  Typing Club, Xtramath, and Spelling City are being updated this week and will be available the week of 9-15.  All math websites that students should use are connected the third grade blog: http://thirdgradephenoms.blogspot.com/
Students have been shown how to access the blog through the Goodwin School Website.  Once on the Goodwin site, click for students, teacher homepages, grade 3, Third Grade Phenoms Blog.
        A Home Connection will be sent most weeks.  It is expected that it is worked on throughout the week and will be handed in complete on Friday.  This week’s Home Connection has two challenge problems.  The challenge problems will be provided for extension, but are not mandatory.  If your student is experiencing difficulty, it is OK for the challenge to be saved for in class learning!

Thank you for your ongoing support!
The Third Grade Team

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Open House

Welcome to Open House!  This is the third grade blog that can be accessed through the Goodwin Website!  

Go to:
For students
Grade 3
Teacher Webpages
Mrs. Haggerty

We will do our best to post all necessary information from our classrooms online to increase communication needs!