About Us

Welcome to our blog. It is kept up by third graders in an effort to share our learning.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Happy Friday

Hi Families,

Happy Friday!  We had a very exciting week in third grade!  Students went cross country skiing with Mr. Dean, worked to complete their Sea Creature research folders and continued their outstanding work on their writing opinion pieces.  

We have officially started to take down our winter decorations in hopes of bringing on warmer weather and outdoor recess!

Next week students will be taking their Unit 3 math post test on Tuesday, March 3.  A review will be completed on Monday, March 2....as long as the winter weather keeps to itself!

We will post a copy of the review ASAP.

The Third Grade Team

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sea Creature Writing!

Here we are hard at work researching and writing about our sea creatures!  Ask your kids what they have learned about their creatures tonight at home!  We hope for our research and writing to be done by Wednesday, 3-4.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Researching Sea Creatures

This week, students researched sea creatures using nonfiction books and Google Chrome books. Students sorted their facts into four different categories: appearance, habitat, survival and adaptation, and lifecycle.  On Thursday, students began to write their reports!  They learned how to write a topic sentence for each paragraph.  

Keep up the great work third graders!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

We're Back!

Hi Families!  Mrs. Jankowski and I are so happy to be back and working together.  We have been working together about a month now and if the snow would keep to itself, we might be able to string a full work week together in the near future!

We are waiting to receive all of the blog permission slips back and while we wait, we thought we would upload some images of the classroom and learning resources.  It is our hope to use this blog to give you an eye into the classroom through photographs of student learning.  So when you have those nights of, "That's not how we did it today in class!"  You can use this as a learning platform and resource.

Another goal is to use this in order to communicate classroom information--such as the upcoming Valentine's Day party on Friday, February 13!