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Friday, October 18, 2013

Third Grade Hike Preview

We made it!  Here is a preview of our hike in pictures.  This highlights group 3 with more photos to come!

Our fearless leader, Mr. Dean, prepared us for our hike. Each child had a chance to lead the group making sure to follow the trail markers in order to keep us on course.

It is said that Mr. Dean built this bridge...by hand!

One of two snakes we saw along the way.

 According to The Mystery of Wolf Den Cave, Mean Stevie Dean ties children to trees...
 He's at it again!

 At this point in the hike we were nearly half way through as we approached the entrance to the wolf den.

Here Mr. Dean retells the historical story of Israel Putnam who entered the wolf den to capture the last remaining Connecticut wolf in order to protect his live stock.  It is believed that at age 70, Putnam tracked the wolf for miles on end during a fierce winter.  Shortly after, each student entered the same cave that Putnam did in 1742.

Our journey continued with our next stop at the Indian Chair.

 The final leg of the hike proved challenging, but we all made it out alive!  Thank you Mr. Dean for such a wonderful experience.  

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