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Welcome to our blog. It is kept up by third graders in an effort to share our learning.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Blogging Hiatus

After a long blogging hiatus, we're back!  It has been a couple  of crazy weeks preparing for report cards and parent conferences.  

Meanwhile, students have also been preparing.  They are in the process of  rehearsing for a play in Spanish and here you will see them practicing their lines!  I wish I could tell you what it is about; however, I took French in high school and college.

According to the students, "It is about the book, The Old Lady who Wasn't Afraid of Anything.  In the book a grandma meets clothing and isn't afraid of any of it, except when the pumpkin head and the tree come and then she gets scared and runs home.  So all of the clothing gets sad, and the grandma has a plan and it is to make the clothing and the pumpkin into a scarecrow."

The performances are tomorrow and Friday.  We will report back!

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