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Friday, January 17, 2014

Homework Expectations

As a check-in with the new homework system we wanted to reintroduce expectations:

Reading: Students should read every night for at least 10 minutes and record the title and number of pages read on their homework logs.

Website Work:  Students should work for at least 10 minutes on a category outlined below OR the Home Connection. 

Each website needed for this is linked to the blog.  Students may search for new math websites to practice facts with your permission and guidance.  There is a place on the homework log to record new sites used.

Online Homework: 
Typing Club
Spelling Practice
Math Fact Practice

Students should check off which category they practiced online each night.  (Unless of course they worked on the Home Connection, then they would check off the Home Connection section.)

Home Connection: Most weeks (next week 1-20-14 being an exception) a Home Connection is sent home. It is the expectation that at some point during the week the Home Connection is completed, checked off, and kept at home. These reinforce math that is happening in class as support for student learning, as well as learning information for families.

If you have further questions or concerns, please email us.

Have a fabulous weekend!

1 comment:

  1. http://www.funbrain.com/kidscenter.html has good games
