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Friday, April 25, 2014

It's a Date!

Important Dates in May!

We have a very full month coming up, so we would like to give you a schedule of all of the highlights!

May 1, 2014--Town Meeting

May 2, 2014--Bowling with Mr. Dean at Lucky Strikes

May 9, 2014--Third grade goes to Mystic Aquarium

May 14, 2014--Goodwin visits third grade at Sweeney School

May 22, 2014--Goodwin and Sweeney to the Dodd Center at UConn

May 23, 2014--The Wax Museum

**Permission Slips for both Bowling and Mystic Aquarium are in the Friday folders sent home today, April 25, 2014!

Have a fabulous weekend!

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