About Us

Welcome to our blog. It is kept up by third graders in an effort to share our learning.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Happy Friday!

We had a wonderful week in Third Grade!  Following our short week last week and our field trip to Wolf Den Cave, we are exhausted!

We have started Unit 2 in math and our students are showing their repeated addition and multiplication skills.  Students have also completed their Theme Pages (ask them to show you on Google Classroom) and we are looking forward to closing out our first Language Arts Unit with Figurative Language.  We will be discussing things like imagery, diction, alliteration, personification, which all contribute to author's craft.

Halloween is next week and we are excited!  There will be a costume parade on Friday, October 30th.  The costume parade will begin at 2:45.  Students should bring their costumes in a bag with their name on it that morning.  Costumes will need to be put on over their clothes with masks/make-up left at home.   Prior to the parade we will have a small classroom party since we are not sure how long the parade will last.  All snacks, juice boxes and paper goods donated are greatly appreciated!

Have a happy and safe weekend!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Unit 3 Math Test

Happy Monday families!

We have our Unit 1 post-test coming up this Thursday.  Please look for the unit overview that will be sent home in Homework folders (this is the same one that was sent home in the beginning of the unit).  

Students have been working very hard on two digit addition and subtraction, as well as solving problems that include multiple steps.

One area that continues to be problematic is balancing expressions.  Here are some examples: 
Students also have to word hard to prove their mathematical thinking, as well as to develop an argument.  Here is an example:

Sam says that 6 + 6 =12.  He says that the sums of all doubles facts are even.  Do you agree with Sam?  Why or why not?

Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

We're Back!

Third grade is hopping! We are officially into our third grade year with our full schedule in place. The students have acclimated very well. Here are some pictures of the hard work our students have been doing! 
Please ask your students what they have been learning! Also, please look out for a blogging permission slip in this week's Friday Folder!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Upcoming Events!

Events For May   (updated 4/28)

·      5/1 Sock Hop-6:00pm
·      5/1 Grd 3 to Lucky Strikes
·      5/13 PTO Baskets Due
·      5/16 Whale Bash 11:00am-3:00pm
·      5/19 Grd  3 Sweeney Adventure
·      5/20 Grd 3 & 4 Spring Concert 7:00-8:00pm
*Students arrive at 6:45pm*
·      5/22 Grd 3 to Mystic Seaport 9:15-3:15
·      5/28 Grd 3 Sweeney/Uconn

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

PTO Baskets

The PTO is having a fundraiser!
Each grade is putting together a basket to be auctioned off at the Big Whale Bash!

Grade 3 Theme: 
A Rainy Day Basket
Items Due: May 11

Monday, April 20, 2015

Upcoming Events

April 20, Town Meeting
April 28, Science Fair

May 1, Bowling Trip to Lucky Strikes
May 5-14, SBAC testing--9:30-10:30 daily
May 22, Mystic Seaport field trip
May 28, Field trip through ALTRUSA to UConn

*A field trip to Sweeney School in Willimantic pending*

Welcome back!

Welcome back, families! We hope you enjoyed your vacation. The kids were bubbling over with stories of their break and they all looked about a foot taller than before they left! It's a sign that Spring is definitely upon us and we have entered the final push of the school year.

As we all acclimated back into our school routine we continued work on our nonfiction reading unit. Students have been learning strategies for reading nonfiction texts such as, using text features to determine the topic, determining the main idea with supporting details and using prior knowledge to make sense of new learning. Here are a few pictures of our work...

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


In PE students are practicing repelling so they will be ready to scale the ropes course later in Spring!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Don't Forget!

Orders for the Square One Art fundraiser are due 4-6-15

Yearbook Orders are due 4-18-15

All information about this went out in Friday Folders.  If you need copies, please ask in the office!  

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Out Door Recess!

The kids had a blast getting outside today to enjoy the fresh air and sun!  Here are some pictures of the kids running around and playing Hide and Seek.