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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Spelling and Cooking

Hi Families!

We will be taking a 3-4 weeks off from Spelling this month.  We will let you know before we resume.  So...students will not have spelling responsibilities until the end of April.

In math we have started a unit that involves customary and metric measurement.  Students are working to understand what units are used to measure different objects and we need your help!  Here are some things you can do to help your children to gain a better understanding of measurement:

  • Cook together--I shudder automatically at the idea...dinner time, at least one crying kid and you trying desperately to get the meal on the table before the mutiny begins
  • Put out measuring cups and liquid measuring cups (the ones that have the markings for cups, ounces, and liters) with rice or water in a bin and let them explore
  • Ask them about what they are measuring and in what unit 
  • Discuss the ideas of mass and weight
Thank you for your on going support!

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