About Us

Welcome to our blog. It is kept up by third graders in an effort to share our learning.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Our Week!

Shout outs about our week in Third Grade!

Our Very Strange Teeth Story and our faces!

We love Fantastic Mr. Fox.

We loved  learning the Blast off to Space Game (me too)!

I loved doing the silly sentences with verbs and nouns!

Ask your students about these fun events!  Have a great weekend!

Scholastic Book Order

The Scholastic Book Order for Mrs. Haggerty's class is due by September 30, 2014.  The order will be placed that afternoon!

Picutre Day

Picture Day at Goodwin is rescheduled for October, 15!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Third Grade Homework

Third Grade Homework

Dear Families,

Your student will come home with a homework log and a Home Connections Assignment for the week of September 8, 2014.  On the homework log are directions outlining what is expected.  Just to reinforce expectations students should:
  1. 1.    Read for at least 10 minutes every night and record the title of the book and pages read
  2. 2.   Choose one of the listed “other assignments” to complete for 10 minutes (including the Home Connections)
  3. 3.   Have a parent initial that the work has been done

Homework logs should be brought into school daily to be checked off.  It is important to start positive homework routines, and a daily check in helps to reinforce this in the classroom.
For this week, students should read and practice math facts only.  Typing Club, Xtramath, and Spelling City are being updated this week and will be available the week of 9-15.  All math websites that students should use are connected the third grade blog: http://thirdgradephenoms.blogspot.com/
Students have been shown how to access the blog through the Goodwin School Website.  Once on the Goodwin site, click for students, teacher homepages, grade 3, Third Grade Phenoms Blog.
        A Home Connection will be sent most weeks.  It is expected that it is worked on throughout the week and will be handed in complete on Friday.  This week’s Home Connection has two challenge problems.  The challenge problems will be provided for extension, but are not mandatory.  If your student is experiencing difficulty, it is OK for the challenge to be saved for in class learning!

Thank you for your ongoing support!
The Third Grade Team

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Open House

Welcome to Open House!  This is the third grade blog that can be accessed through the Goodwin Website!  

Go to:
For students
Grade 3
Teacher Webpages
Mrs. Haggerty

We will do our best to post all necessary information from our classrooms online to increase communication needs!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Summer Souvenir--Homework

Homework for Wednesday, 8-27-14:
Your homework for tonight is to bring in a summer souvenir.  It can be a photo, artifact (small enough to be put in a baggie), drawing, map, post card (etc.) that represents something fun you did this summer.  You will have the opportunity to share your souvenirs with your classmates this week!

Due: Thursday, 8-28-14

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Welcome back!

Mrs. Haggerty's Specials Schedule

Monday--Computer Lab/Library
Thursday--PE and Music
Friday--PE and Music

Mrs. Jankowski/Mrs. Owen's Specials Schedule
Tuesday--Computer Lab/Library
Wednesday--PE and Music
Friday--PE and Music

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Math Test

Hi Families!

Students will be reviewing for their math test today and tomorrow!  Please look for it to come home to help each student prepare for their test!  
Mrs. Scruggs' class is testing Friday, May 2nd and Mrs. Haggerty's class is testing Monday, May 5th.

We have been working on multiplication and division.
The strategies we have learned to show mathematical thinking include:
Loops and Groups
Skip Counting
Repeated Addition/Repeated Subtraction
The Distributive Property
Creating Arrays
Making Pictures
Number Sentences

Friday, April 25, 2014

It's a Date!

Important Dates in May!

We have a very full month coming up, so we would like to give you a schedule of all of the highlights!

May 1, 2014--Town Meeting

May 2, 2014--Bowling with Mr. Dean at Lucky Strikes

May 9, 2014--Third grade goes to Mystic Aquarium

May 14, 2014--Goodwin visits third grade at Sweeney School

May 22, 2014--Goodwin and Sweeney to the Dodd Center at UConn

May 23, 2014--The Wax Museum

**Permission Slips for both Bowling and Mystic Aquarium are in the Friday folders sent home today, April 25, 2014!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Mansfield Public Library!

Happy March, Families!  We were (finally) able to reschedule our field trip to the Mansfield Public Library!  We will go to the library on Monday, March 17, 2014.  We will load the buses at 9:30am, so please be sure students are to school on time.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Mansfield Public Library Field Trip

Please don't forget that we are going to the Mansfield Public Library on Thursday, February 20, 2014!  We must have permission slips by Wednesday!

Valentine's Day Party/Geometry Test

The snow may have postponed Valentine's Day, but it has not canceled it!  We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Wednesday when we return to school.  We hope you have had happy and safe loooooong weekend!

Our Geometry test has also been postponed. We will complete a review by Thursday and hope to assess on Friday.  If, for some reason that does not work out, we will assess the following week.  We will keep you posted!

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Hi Families!  On Friday we will administer a Geometry review for our upcoming Unit Assessment.  Students will complete the review in class, we will go over it together and it will come home in the Friday Folder.  Please look out for the review so that you can practice, discuss, and review concepts that will appear on the Assessment that will be administered on Wednesday or Thursday of next week!

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Mansfield Public Library

The third grade will be visiting the Mansfield Public Library on Thursday, February 20, 2014!  

Valentine's Day

Hello families!  On Friday, February 14, 2014 we will be celebrating Valentine's Day!  We are going to have a red food theme, so if you would like to send in goodies, make sure they are red.  There are 39 students in third grade.
  A class list will come home in the Friday Folders this week, so keep an eye out.

 Remember, students do not have to make valentine cards; however, if they do, they must make one for every child in the classroom.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Homework Expectations

As a check-in with the new homework system we wanted to reintroduce expectations:

Reading: Students should read every night for at least 10 minutes and record the title and number of pages read on their homework logs.

Website Work:  Students should work for at least 10 minutes on a category outlined below OR the Home Connection. 

Each website needed for this is linked to the blog.  Students may search for new math websites to practice facts with your permission and guidance.  There is a place on the homework log to record new sites used.

Online Homework: 
Typing Club
Spelling Practice
Math Fact Practice

Students should check off which category they practiced online each night.  (Unless of course they worked on the Home Connection, then they would check off the Home Connection section.)

Home Connection: Most weeks (next week 1-20-14 being an exception) a Home Connection is sent home. It is the expectation that at some point during the week the Home Connection is completed, checked off, and kept at home. These reinforce math that is happening in class as support for student learning, as well as learning information for families.

If you have further questions or concerns, please email us.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Monday, January 6, 2014

A New Year, A New Routine!

We hope you all had a fabulous winter break and would like to wish you happiness and health in the new year!

We have a new routine beginning tonight with homework.  Students will only have to fill in their homework logs and will do all other work online!  We will make all sites that students have to use available from this blog.  Since we are just beginning this, please let us know how it is working out at home and if there are any changes that need to be implemented!

Thank you for your ongoing support!